About Me

Stan Stewart

Do you want to learn more about the past, but aren’t sure where to start? Or perhaps you already have a passion for history?

My aim is to bring the past to life by sharing interesting images and findings from my research and travels.

With a lifelong passion for learning about the past, I enjoy researching historical topics from early medieval Britain, the Viking era, ancient Greece, Rome, and more.

In 2021, a leading authority from The Heraldry Society of Scotland reviewed and corroborated my research on my ancestor, Sir John Stewart, a Scottish knight who was killed at the Battle of Falkirk in 1298. These findings correct a more than 300-year old error on the correct coat of arms and styling used by Sir John. The article has been submitted to The Heraldry Society to be considered for publication in their journal.

I have also  researched and written a manuscript on the historical basis of King Arthur that I’m currently editing and which is being reviewed. 

An amateur historian, I received my Bachelor and MBA degrees at Brigham Young University.